Hydrogen is a new energy source, so old energy financing frameworks won’t necessarily work. The sector needs to find new ways of structuring these deals, ensuring that the principles of sound financial management are applied without harsh restrictions that will strangle the deals before they happen. Participants will come away with a strong understanding of how to shape these agreements in prudent ways that allow for the flexibility the emerging hydrogen market requires.
08:30 Registration and coffee
09:00 Creating partnerships that pay off for all parties
• What does a ‘good’ offtake agreement look like?
• Building flexibility into agreements without creating unnecessary barriers that will constrain growth
10:30 Morning tea
11:00 Case Study – Yuri Hydrogen Project
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Finding the right mix of financing options- corporate, investment partners or banks
• ‘Wet hires,’ and other mechanisms to support users whilst the industry is developing
15:00 Afternoon tea
15:30 Financing alternatives to cover regulatory requirements - tax incentives and grants
• Government and regulatory factors - grants, revenue support and investment vehicles
Jamie Guthrie
Managing Associate
Jacqui Rowell
Alex McIntosh
Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)